Monday, October 5, 2009

Two Months old!

Today I took Maddison to her two month check up. She weighed in at 11lbs 3 oz and is 23 ¼ inches tall! The doctor was very nice and she told us that Maddison looks perfect. After she was examined I had to take her to get her shots. She did not like that one bit and I don’t blame her. She screamed the whole time, turning her face purple and tears. She cried while I held her and rocked her after the shots, but within 10 minutes she was sleeping. After getting home, she has seemed to be her normal self but I will be keeping a close eye on her.

On Friday Maddison laughed for the first time! We were with a friend buying a car and Josh was making her smile and then she just laughed. It was the cutest thing. Since then she has done it a few more times and I look forward to her doing it more and more! Maddison is also starting to fit into some of her 3-6 months clothes and no longer fitting in some of her 0-3 months… She is becoming such a big girl!

Josh started back to power school today and I’m not looking forward to it. Hopefully it won’t be too bad. It’s nice that we will have a 2 week break for Christmas and then only have about 2 more months of power school when we come back. We are still waiting to hear if Josh was accepted into the Officer program. We keep hearing rumors as to when we will hear back but hopefully it won’t be too much longer.

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love the first laughs! So cute! Hope Josh gets accepted into the program!
