Wednesday, August 26, 2009

3 weeks old

Maddison is now 3 weeks old. Time sure does seem to fly by. Maddison is no longer sleeping in the pack n play in our room but rather in her crib in her room. We were going to keep her in our room until she was a month old and then move her out of our room. However, since she was sleeping 7 to 8 hours straight during the night we decided it was time. Maddison is doing great in her room and continues to be a great little sleeper.

Another major change for Maddison is she no longer fits into newborn clothes. She out grew her newborn clothes when she was about 12 days old. She now wears 0-3 months and can even fit into some outfits that are 3 months old since she is so long. I’m very happy that we did not have too many newborn clothes for her since she out grew them so fast.

I did forget to write about her 2 week check up. Maddison shocked all of us by gaining 19 oz in 7 days. Her doctor said that 1 oz a day or 7oz in a week is normal. So I guess Maddison is just an overachiever already. Her weight put her in the 90 percentile and 95 percentile for height. At the appointment, Maddison was 21 ¾ inches tall and weighed 9lbs 4 oz. Overall she is doing great and her next appointment will be at 2 months when she will start being seen on base.

Maddison has also been to the beach twice now and she enjoyed the second time much better. We were able to stay for about 2 hours the second time and even dip her feet into the water without her crying! I have a feeling she is going to have many more beach trips in the future and hopefully she continues to enjoy the beach!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Life at Home

We got home from the hospital Friday around two in the afternoon. The day was fairly calm with only a few visitors stopping by. We gave Maddison a bath for the first time and she hated it but quickly calmed down once we were done. The first night was a rough one since Maddison got us up every two hours to nurse and change her diaper.

The first night was the worst so far and since we have been fairly lucky. She now sleeps at least 5 hours in a row before waking us up. I have started to go to bed when she does to get as much sleep as I can. Some nights she will wake up just wanting to be held. Josh loves to hold and rocker back to sleep and I’m so thankful for this since it means I get some sleep.
Maddison had her first check up on Monday Aug 10th. She was great until she got really hungry and then she got really upset. Her doctor seems very nice and told us that she looks perfect. When she was weighed she was down to 8lbs 1oz but they were not concerned. The doctor said that Maddison should be back at her birth weight by her two week appt.

Monday was also the day that Maddison got to meet her Grandpa and Grandma Freeland. Her Aunt Brandy came in Wed afternoon and Maddison got to enjoy meeting everyone. We had a full house with everyone but we loved having everyone here. Sadly they cant stay forever and saying goodbye is never easy.

Friday was Josh’s first day back to work and we are both very happy that he did not start power school, which was the plan. Josh got an easy job Friday which allowed him to get off work at 10am, so he only went in for two hours. Today however will give us a better idea of what we can expect. He left at 8:15 and should hopefully be home around 3. Maddison does have her two week check up today and if we are lucky Josh will be allowed to come.

My mom left on Friday and early this morning we had to say goodbye to Josh’s parents. I think it has finally hit both of us just how far away everyone is. However, we are excited for Christmas and cant wait for Maddison to meet the rest of her family in California!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Maddison's Delivery

So I have decided that it’s about time to write about how my delivery went before I forget too much. Tuesday August 4th I was scheduled to be induced at 6am. So I got up at 5am to take a shower and finish getting ready. At 5:30 I got a call saying that all the beds were full but they were going to try really hard to get me in and therefore I was told to call back at 9am. Well I got up and eat a small bowl of cereal and had a piece of toast. At 9am I called in again and was told to call back at 11am. At this point I was figuring I was not going to get in since they were so busy. However, when I called back at 11am I was told to come down at 1pm and hopefully a room would be available.

We packed up the car and ran a few errands before heading down to the hospital. We checked into the hospital and I was admitted around 1:15 and was given a room. Around 2:30 they started getting things ready and put my IV in. When putting my IV in they were having a really hard time and it took two nurses and 4 different tries to finally get my IV started. They started pitocin at 3:00pm at a low dosage and I was told that they would keep it low so that I would not deliver in the middle of the night. At this point I was getting really hungry since I was told only to eat a light breakfast. My doctor gave me the go ahead to eat dinner around 7pm. So Josh went out and got McDonalds to eat. I did not even get through half of my dinner before I started feeling sick and decided I was done.

The pain was starting to get worst but I could still handle it. Around 10pm I started feeling really sick and began to throw up. After getting sick we all tried to go to sleep. The nurse said I could have something to help me sleep and since I was still feeling really sick I decided this would help me rest. However, I kept getting sick and was given anti nausea medication and they turned down the pitocin. Around 5am the pain was too much and I asked for something to help with the pain. I was in and out of sleep for the next few hours.

At 7:45 my doctor came in and broke my water and we found out that there was meconium. Due to the meconium I was told that the NICU would be in the room when I deliver and they would take Maddison and make sure that she was fine. Shortly after they broke my water the pain was just too much and I asked for an epidural. Around 9am I was given my epi and I was falling asleep when he was giving me the epi. From that point on it was not too bad I was just getting tired of sitting in the bed and wanting to eat.

At 2:30 I was at 9.5 cm and the nurse started getting things ready for my delivery. I was starting to get uncomfortable and I could feel the contraction a little but nothing painful. The nurse wanted me to lay in different positions that would get me to 10cm and help Maddison come down more. The last position that she had me lay in was so uncomfortable and after 20 minutes i told Josh to get the nurse since I could not handle it anymore.

At 3:15 she came in and started getting everything prepped. At 3:25 she had me start pushing and she called the doctor and told him to get over here since I was considered a good pusher for a first time Mom. She kept reassuring me that I was doing great and could not believe how great I was at pushing. She yelled for another nurse to call the doctor again and that he better get here now. I kept asking when he was going to get there since I knew he had to be there for me to be close to delivery. SO although they were telling me that I was doing such a great job I felt that they were just saying this since the doctor was not here. The rest happened so fast and the doctor almost was not there for the delivery. He walked in and was getting ready pretty slow and my nurse was getting really mad at him. After 5 more pushes and only two contractions I had Maddison out at 3:56pm. Josh was told to cut the cord quickly and she was given to the NICU right away. After they checked her out and cleared her airways, we were told that she was fine. During this time I still had not gotten to see her and finally asked Josh to show me a picture of her. I believe that it was 20 to 30 minutes after she was born that I finally got to see and hold my baby.

Right before I started to push I was told that I had a small fever and when Maddison came out she had a fever of 102. She had to go to the nursery to be checked out and Josh went with her. This all took about 2 hours and they met me in my new room. Finally at about 7pm Josh went out and got me Sonics to eat. So that is my delivery story or what I can remember of it anyways.