Monday, August 17, 2009

Life at Home

We got home from the hospital Friday around two in the afternoon. The day was fairly calm with only a few visitors stopping by. We gave Maddison a bath for the first time and she hated it but quickly calmed down once we were done. The first night was a rough one since Maddison got us up every two hours to nurse and change her diaper.

The first night was the worst so far and since we have been fairly lucky. She now sleeps at least 5 hours in a row before waking us up. I have started to go to bed when she does to get as much sleep as I can. Some nights she will wake up just wanting to be held. Josh loves to hold and rocker back to sleep and I’m so thankful for this since it means I get some sleep.
Maddison had her first check up on Monday Aug 10th. She was great until she got really hungry and then she got really upset. Her doctor seems very nice and told us that she looks perfect. When she was weighed she was down to 8lbs 1oz but they were not concerned. The doctor said that Maddison should be back at her birth weight by her two week appt.

Monday was also the day that Maddison got to meet her Grandpa and Grandma Freeland. Her Aunt Brandy came in Wed afternoon and Maddison got to enjoy meeting everyone. We had a full house with everyone but we loved having everyone here. Sadly they cant stay forever and saying goodbye is never easy.

Friday was Josh’s first day back to work and we are both very happy that he did not start power school, which was the plan. Josh got an easy job Friday which allowed him to get off work at 10am, so he only went in for two hours. Today however will give us a better idea of what we can expect. He left at 8:15 and should hopefully be home around 3. Maddison does have her two week check up today and if we are lucky Josh will be allowed to come.

My mom left on Friday and early this morning we had to say goodbye to Josh’s parents. I think it has finally hit both of us just how far away everyone is. However, we are excited for Christmas and cant wait for Maddison to meet the rest of her family in California!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Maddison seems like a good baby! 5 hours at her age is amazing! Ev is 10 1/2 weeks and she has never gone over 4 hours lol. I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to everyone :( Get as much sleep as you can!

